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页数: 416 到书日期: 2004-6-28 上传日期: 2004-7-7

中文概要: 一批人类的精英运用最先进的技术窥视宇宙奥秘,发现人类只是浩瀚宇宙中的冰山一角。只是有一件事还没有发现:异外生命体的残存物,至今没收到任何信号,没发现任何外星人留下的吃剩的野餐。那些据说在午夜绑架了地球人的外星人会逃过严密的科学监视,堂而皇之逃走。在世纪之交,我们面临学术上的困惑:我们对宇宙的了解只停留在它的结构,物理和化学属性上,可对于它的生物结构,只能凭空想象。有没有和我们一样的生物体,有着发达的大脑和不朽的灵魂呢?或者不管怎样,我们是否是独一无二的生命体呢?如果银河系中真有其他生命体,他们到底在哪呢?Joel Achenbach身兼数职,华盛顿邮报记者,国家公共广播公司评论员,也是小说《为什么是这样》的作者。Joel把外星人这一话题引入到空间项目,天文学新发现之中,来满足人类对生存意义及精神慰藉的渴望,因为我们所生活的这一时代,科学还无法满足人们的求知欲。他觉得探讨外星人这一课题已被人类的一厢情愿及他们与生具来“爱搭讪”的秉性弄得千创百孔。但作者还是遇到了些可敬的甚至一心为追求有关外星生命体而着了魔的人物:Cad Sagan,他是一位出色的天文学家,是他向民众普及宇宙这一概念的;Dan Goldin 是(美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局的古怪的头头,至今仍然沉迷于太空时代的幻想中;Henry Harris,以前是拉斯维加斯的高级酒吧歌手现受命要把飞船弄到Alpha Centauri这颗最有可能发现生命体的行星上去;还有形形色色的UFO学者,经验主义者,唯心论者,通灵者,对他们来说,外星人从来不是海市蜃楼。在这本有趣、迷人的小说中,作者发觉对异外生命的寻找又把我们带回到有关地球生命的根本性的问题上来。要想理性的来看待外星生物,首先我们必须搞清我们到底是谁,为什么存在,流淌在我们细胞中用了四十亿年才完成的进化史到底意味着什么。作者要向我们传达的信息是:能在这个充斥着岩石,气体和尘埃的宇宙中做有感知的人真棒---人是可以幻想的。

英文简介: The great minds of the human race, employing ever more fabulous technology have peered into the depths of space and discovered that we exist on a tiny speck in a universe that is vast beyond comprehension. But there is one thing we have yet to discover: a single scrap of extraterrestrial life. We have heard no signals, found no alien picnic trash. The aliens who allegedly abduct people in the middle of the night have a strange way of evaporating in the harsh glare of scientific scrutiny. And so at the turn of the millennium we are in an intellectual fix: we know the universe only through its structure, its physical properties, its chemistry. Of its biology we can only guess. Are there creatures out there like us, with big brains and restless spirits? Or are we, for all intents and purposes, alone? If aliens exist -- if there really are intelligent creatures zooming around the galaxy -- then where in tar-nation are they?
Washington Post reporter Joel Achenbach -- the author of Why Things Are and a commentator for National Public Radio -- puts the ET debate into the context of the space program, discoveries in astronomy, and the hunger for meaning and spiritual nourishment in an era when science often doesn’t provide the answers that people desire. He finds that the topic of extraterrestrial life is poisoned by wishful thinking, by the natural human yearning to make contact with our brothers and sisters in space.
But ha also finds some fascinating, admirable, and maddening characters who have pursued the truth about extraterrestrial life: Cad Sagan, the brilliant astronomer who brought the cosmos to the masses; Dan Goldin the cantankerous head of NASA who still believes in the dream of the Space Age; Henry Harris, a former Las Vegas lounge singer who is assigned the job of figuring out how to get a spaceship to Alpha Centauri; and various and sundry ufologists, experiencers, spiritualists, and channelers for whom the aliens are an ever-present reality.
In this fascinating, funny, and spirited book, Achenbach discovers that the search for life elsewhere leads us on a looping road back to the fundamental questions about life on Earth. To think coherently about extraterrestrial life, we first must come to terms with who we are, why we exist, and what it means to carry around in our cells an evolutionary history that took tour billion years to unfold Achenbach’s message is that it is a wonderful and thrilling thing to be a sentient human being -- a creature capable of foolish romanticism -- in a universe that is mostly rocks and gas and dust and empty space.

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代理商:大苹果 SOUL MATES

页数: 221 到书日期: 2004-6-22 上传日期: 2004-6-23

中文概要: 也许,你在寻找某种比随意约会或一个将要完结的关系更有意义的东西;也许,你在寻找一个可以与你分享希望的人,具有永久联系的人,即灵魂伴侣;也许,你已经找到了你的另一半,希望这个关系能持续下去。作者认为,每个人都有灵魂伴侣,不过这个伴侣身居何处还需寻找。找到这个伴侣绝非梦想,只要我们在生理上,思想上,情感上,精神上做好准备,他(她)就会在适当的时候进入我们的生活。书中涉及了肉体再生,因果报应,灵魂,催眠,沉思,吸引灵魂伴侣的练习等。

英文简介: If you’ve looked up this book, chances are you’re looking for something more than a casual date or another dead-end relationship. You’re looking for someone to share your hopes and dreams with, someone with whom you share an eternal bond - your soul mate. Or maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who have already found their other half - and you want to make sure the relationship lasts.
Popular metaphysical author and hypnotherapist Richard Webster has regressed hundreds of clients back into their past lives. He has discovered that, somewhere out there, everyone has a soul mate. And finding your soul mate isn’t an impossible dream - you just have to be ready.
Soul mates enter our lives at the right moment - the time when we are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared to meet them. As you progress through Soul Mates, you will:
Explore the theory of reincarnation, karma, and the soul
Perform meditations and exercises designed to help you open yourself to love and attract your soul mate
Read actual case histories of soul mates from the author’s private hypnotherapy practiceThe two of you have been together countless times before. You may have enjoyed a passionate romance in ancient Egypt, medieval England, or Renaissance Rome. You may have spent pleasant lifetimes in the Holy Land, Thailand, or Russia. You found your soul mate then. You can do it again in this lifetime. The purpose of this book is to help you findand then keep this special person. Discover for yourself that the soul mate bond goes beyond "’Til death do us part" - for true love never dies.

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页数: 242 到书日期: 2004-6-21 上传日期: 2004-6-23

中文概要: 本书原文讲述了以下问题:现代科学和世界的宗教告诉我们关于死亡之后的神秘生活是什么?这本书探讨了这些问题,能够使读者经历一个灵魂的旅行通过死亡之后的生活。正文的第一部分研究对进入死亡之后生活的探究,第二部分被是KIRKUDIAN 命名的个人对灵魂指导的讲述,关于他的各种不同的化身对真理非常有启迪作用。

英文简介: A text which poses the question; what does modern science and the world’s religions tell us about the mystery of life after death? This book explores these issues, enabling readers to experience one soul’s journey through the afterlife. The first part of the text is a study of the research into life after death, while the second is the personal narrative of a spirit guide named Kirkudian, revealing the extraordinary truth about his various incarnations.

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页数: 208 到书日期: 2002-7-24 上传日期: 2004-6-14


英文简介: Courage is not the absence of fear, says Osho. It is, rather, the total presence of fear, with the courage to face it. This book provides a bird’s-eye view of the whole terrain -- where fears originate, how to understand them, and how to find the courage to face them. In the process, Osho proposes that whenever we are faced with uncertainty and change in our lives it is actually a cause for celebration. Instead of trying to hang on to the familiar and the known, we can learn to enjoy these situations as opportunities for adventure, and for deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. The book begins with an in-depth exploration of the meaning of courage and how it is expressed in the everyday life of the individual. Unlike books that focus on heroic acts of courage in exceptional circumstances, the focus here is on developing the inner courage that enables us to lead authentic and fulfilling lives on a day-to-day basis. This is the courage to change when change is needed, the courage to stand up for our own truth even against the opinions of others, and the courage to embrace the unknown in spite of our fears -- in our relationships, in our careers, or in the ongoing journey of understanding who we are and why we are here.

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页数: 192 到书日期: 2001-7-10 上传日期: 2004-6-14


英文简介: In a culture infatuated with youth and determined to avoid old age at all costs, this book dares to raise a question that has been all but forgotten in the age of Viagra and cosmetic surgery. What benefits might lie in accepting the aging process as natural, rather than trying to hold on to youth and its pleasures all the way to the grave?

Osho takes us back to the roots of what it means to grow up rather than just to grow old. Both in our relationships with others, and in the fulfillment of our own individual destinies, he reminds us of the pleasures that only true maturity can bring. He outlines the ten major growth cycles in human life, from the self-centered universe of the preschooler to the flowering of wisdom and compassion in old age.

Osho’s sly sense of humor runs like a red thread through the book, along with a profound compassion and understanding of how easy it is to be distracted from the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives-which is, ultimately, to flower into our own individual uniqueness and maturity with an attitude of celebration and joy.

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页数: 179 到书日期: 2004-4-27 上传日期: 2004-5-8

中文概要: 仅仅通过欲望,就能在体内产生巨大的能量,听起来十分神奇,但密宗的高手精于此道已有千年历史。本书介绍了如何通过控制呼吸,思想和体内的自然过程来掌握密宗的这种技术。密宗认为,身体是寺庙,神灵驻心中。只要你能精密地调控你的身体,使它达到一种完美的流动状态,你就能感觉到体内的巨大能量,并将它调动起来。

英文简介: Nothing can match the explosive energy created in the body by pure desire. For millennia, Tantric adepts have harnessed this force as a means of attaining the summits of the mystical life. The energies fueled by passion are used to nourish the inner flame that burns away the egotistical perception of the mind.
Desire explores the subtle techniques of Tantra that enable the seeker to attain the triple mastery of the breath, thought, and the natural processes of the body. Tantrics believe that the body is the temple and divinity lies at its heart. In order to arrive at profound awareness, the body needs to be perfectly tuned and working toward a state of perfect fluidity. Desire reveals many of the secret practices intended for this purpose that have been passed down in the major Tantric treatises such as the Vijnanabhariva Tantra and Ch’an master Chinul’s treatise on the Secrets of Cultivating the Mind, including the important techniques of the ritual sexual observances known as Maithuna.

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页数: 295 到书日期: 2004-4-27 上传日期: 2004-5-8


英文简介: Reveals the Mayan calendar to be a spiritual device that describes the evolution of human consciousness from ancient times into the future.
Shows the connection between cosmic evolution and actual human history.
Provides a new science of time that explains why time not only seems to be speeding up in the modern world but actually is getting faster.
Explains how the end of the Mayan calendar is not the end of the world, but a path toward enlightenment.
The prophetic Mayan calendar is not keyed to the movement of planetary bodies. Instead, it functions as a metaphysical map of the evolution of consciousness and records how spiritual time flows--providing a new science of time.
The calendar is associated with nine creation cycles, which represent nine levels of consciousness or Underworlds on the Mayan cosmic pyramid. Through empirical research Calleman shows how this pyramidal structure of the development of consciousness can explain things as disparate as the common origin of world religions and the modern complaint that time seems to be moving faster. Time, in fact, is speeding up as we transition from the materialist Planetary Underworld of time that governs us today to a new and higher frequency of consciousness--the Galactic Underworld--in preparation for the final Universal level of conscious enlightenment. Calleman reveals how the Mayan calendar is a spiritual device that enables a greater understanding of the nature of conscious evolution throughout human history and the concrete steps we can take to align ourselves with this growth toward enlightenment.

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页数: 402 到书日期: 2005-2-21 上传日期: 2004-4-8

中文概要: 你会不会莫名地欢快或沮丧?你有没有做过很诡异的梦,或者脑子里有一个声音在说话,抑或者回想起很久以前的事情,更或者经历什么前兆性的现象,思绪突然中断,或者又出现什么新奇的联想-------而这一切看似突如其来?类似暗示、预感和审美感这样比较微妙的提示会不会让你兴奋地恶心或者毛骨悚然呢?所有这些希奇古怪的现象只能说明一点,人类远没我们想象地那么样能干,能随心所欲地控制自己的思想。事实上,人类生活的许多方面都很难用理智去解释,头脑看起来到像是一个拥有独立思维的组织。 远古世界里,人们为了能够弄明白普通生活中难以解释的感受,所以就创造了神灵和史诗故事,而中世纪的人们则相信这世界存在着妖魔鬼怪和天使。人们曾经认为,阿芙罗狄蒂就是通过咬耳朵的方式,让人们彼此相爱的;人们的创造力据说也是缪斯女神的恩赐,而今天我们对于这样的现象则做了比较科学的解释,这是大脑中两条电路连接产生的奇妙感觉。 《固执的头脑》这样一本极具趣味性的书展示了历史上各种有关无意识的阐述,远古时期人们把无意识描述成地狱,而当代人则创立了神经科学的理论。但是无论这样的叙述冲动能够给无意识现象披上何等的隐喻,无意识并不是一个单一的实体,而是一堆乱七八糟的感念,急等着我们把他一一理清。而这本书恰恰就是这样做的,它汲取了思想、文化史、文学以及修灵中的精华,从古埃及到荷马笔下的希腊神话和教义再谈到现代的玻利尼西亚。 我们从来没能把凌乱的无意识整理起来,而《固执的头脑》的确做到了,当然除次以外,它还阐述了无意识那张无形的基石----包括无意识和有意识的思维-----对人类日常行为的持久影响力。

英文简介: The unconscious has had a long and chequered history. For at least the last 4,000 years, societies have concocted comforting fables in the face of the recurrent puzzles of human existence - death, dreaming, madness, possession, inspiration - that invariably rely on some notion of the unconscious. Supernatural ’fairy stories’ need some internal proxy or contact point through which the influence of demons and spirits can flow. And without such gods and forces, some psychological machinery is needed to take over their work. But what IS the unconscious? Is it ’God’s viceroy’, the soul? Is it the locked ward of Freudian desire? Is the subliminal mind the source of the sublime emotions of the Romantics? Is is the mental microchip of cognitive science? Or is it simply the brain?

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页数: 207 到书日期: 2004-3-31 上传日期: 2004-4-7


英文简介: Jean Houston, the best-selling author of books about the power of myth, shows us how animals, and dogs in particular, can help restore us to our natural condition of oneness with nature. Animals have always been a focus of our spiritual yearnings—from the Egyptians, who sculpted humans with animal heads, to ancient humans who painted magnificent tableaux of animals in the caves of southern Europe, to honor those "still part of the sacred flow of Nature." Today, as technological change isolates us, many seek to reconnect with spirit and nature. The mystic path, once the province of the few, has now become the quest of the many. Houston, who has spent a lifetime bridging these two worlds, shares stories of her life with dogs and how they have shown her and can show us "who and what we really are." She illustrates the stages of the classic mystic path, which include awakening, purification, and illumination, with sacred dog stories that show how animals, by naturally being part of the "greater life," can reflect hidden aspects of this path toward oneness. Inspiring and humorous, Mystical Dogs will appeal to both the mystic and the animal lover.

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页数: 173 到书日期: 2004-3-22 上传日期: 2004-3-22

中文概要: “黑客帝国”(The Matrix)是一部后现代主义的美国电影,有上中下三集,内容复杂,充满隐喻,值得深思和严肃探讨。作者从电影中的一些细节入手,讨论了其中的宗教含义和折衷主义的哲学思想。他们认为,应当把电影的主题和个人的精神启示联系起来,思考一下与自己的生活有关的问题,如:什么是真实?什么是婚姻?等等。这样才更有收获。

英文简介: The millions of people who saw and loved The Matrix understood that it was much more than just an action adventure movie with state-of-the-art special effects. Audiences gravitated toward the film because it made a statement about life. Its plot and themes resonated with a postmodern worldview and caused people to think carefully about their spirituality.
In The Gospel Reloaded, authors Chris Seay and Greg Garrett explore the Matrix films, studying the characters and metaphors for their hidden meaning. They show how these movies--with their themes of rebirth and awakening, fate and free will--are guaranteed to generate thoughtful discussion about culture and spirituality.

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